Saturday, August 23, 2014

Big Toy Day 2014

Each year the Lexington, North Carolina Communities in Schools pairs up with the the FBO at the Davidson County Airport for a day of Big Toys. Local municipalities, fire departments, construction companies, the National Guard and others bring their big machines so the children and youth can get up close and personal with them. Part of Big Toy Day includes a fly-in for area aviation enthusiasts.

This year over 30 various airplanes found a spot on the ramp to exhibit to eager children and their parents. For me the top three airplanes that I was excited to see were the following:

A Waco YMF-F5C which received its Airworthiness Certificate in April sat majestically on the row closest to the FBO. When looking at this beautiful airplane, no one can honestly say that they don't make biplanes like they used to. Added to its classic look, was a fully appointed panel that would make cross county travel a breeze.

From a 2014 Waco to a 1942 Stearman. Here is the classic. Longer wings and a prominent 9 cylinder radial are the most obvious differences.

The "star" of the fly-in was Jeff Michael's 1944 P-51D. Named "Obsession," this P-51 is hangered at the Davidson County Airport.
Throughout the day, crowds were constantly gathered around it. Midway through the day, Jeff took to the skies and did a number of high speed low passes.

Over all it was a nice day with good crowds and funds raised to help the disadvantaged in our school system.