Wednesday, May 20, 2015

A Saturday to Practice Power Off 180's and Flying By Pitch and Power

My CFI Jerry and I went out on Saturday to do some emergency landing practice and flying with the airspeed indicator covered. It was a good exercise and well worth the practice. This video gave me a new appreciation for Jerry. If you notice, he is always scanning for traffic. With all my focus on doing what he is asking me to do, I have never realized how vigilant he is - another reason he is a great CFI.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

3 Years and Counting!

Three years ago on April 27th, I flew solo for the first time. It was an awesome I will never forget. It was made even more special because all of my family was present.
Flying continues to be magical for me, and I look forward to every opportunity to take to the skies!